Another Stratford joy: the magestic swans that glide across the Avon like ambassadors to our fair city. Many river walks have been interrupted by a need to stop and marvel at their beauty and elegance. I'm continuously transfixed by the baby cygnets that breathe new life into our waters. It's no surprise that swans are symbols of gracefulness, calmness, sensitivity, love, and beauty.
In fact, swans are revered in many cultures, including Hinduism, where they are compared to saintly persons whose chief characteristic is to be in the world without getting attached to it, just as a swan's feather does not get wet although it is in water. The Sanskrit word for swan is hamsa or hansa, and the vehicle of many deities like the goddess Saraswati. It is mentioned several times in the Vedic literature, and those having attained great spiritual capabilities are sometimes called Paramahamsa ("Great Swan") because of their spiritual grace and ability to travel between various spiritual worlds.
Ironic, in light of recent events. I wouldn't want to be the karmic recipient of this one.
I've been saddened and disturbed by what happened last weekend to Angela, the gentle swan who mothered her eggs in a nest below the William Hutt Bridge. A cruel and unfathomable attack by bullies - human bullies - brought an abrupt end to her life, as well as the lives of her seven babies expected to hatch this week.
It saddens me that kindness and goodness were so far removed from this random act of violence. Many times I've wondered how the attacker(s) felt in the moment. Did regret follow? How are they sleeping at night? My heart sinks a little each time I pass the abandonned nest where Angela's mate, Nick, paces. Most swans mate for life and can grieve the loss of a partner for up to two years.
This post pays tribute to Angela, Nick and the 18 other swans in our local flock that have brought joy to so many. May you find peace, tranquility and security again.
And thank you to all who love and care for these precious animals. Your kindness is noted and appreciated.
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