I've been consumed by the Olympics lately, which explains my vanishing blogger act. I'm so proud of our Canadian athletes, and moved to tears when I see the celebration that erupts after years of intense training, sacrifice, dedication, perseverance and faith.
Of course, these qualities are written all over their bodies. Spandex has never looked so hot! Lean, mean, chiseled machines that more closely resemble superheroes than humans. It almost makes you want to hit the gym for a rigorous Tommy Europe-esque workout.
Or, you could become an armchair olympian, sporting a remote control, soft cozy blanket, bellowing cheer and a bag of chips. And do I have a dip for you!
Have you ever been to McCully's Hill Farm in St. Marys? It's a charming little spot with year-round activities and the sweetest farm shop and retail store carrying fresh, local and wholesome foods. It specializes in maple products, natural meats, homemade baking and preserves, and garden-fresh produce such as sweet corn, pumpkins and other seasonal vegetables.
Last time I was at McCully's, I picked up a basket full of goodies, including a jar of Maple Onion Chive Dip. Okay, I know it sounds like an odd combination, but trust me - this stuff is fantastic. And natural. And free of MSG! Just mix a tablespoon of the spices with a cup of sour cream or plain yoghourt and presto: you've got a gold medal dip.
That totally owns the podium.
Now back to the games...
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